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Saturday, December 29, 2012

Letting Go

 There are times in our lives when we have to say goodbye to people whom we have to say goodbye to people whom we have loved much. We can't deny the fact that it hurts . As the lyrics from the song goes, "Saying goodbye is never an easy thing",when you had made them frustrated or depressed .
  It's hard to live with regrets. I had gone through this situation. I hadn't told my beloved grandmother or even let her feel that she was so important to me. It was too late already to patch things up. I couldn't bring back the time anymore . All I had were the assurance that she's one of the best persons that I've known.
 With this experience , don't let the day pass without saying "I love You" to the person you love. It's useless to utter these words if he/she could never hear or feel this anymore. 

                                                                                        by: Shinalyn D. Cloribel 

Thursday, December 13, 2012


Stress is unavoidable. It makes our life interesting which adds flavor, challenge, motivation, and opportunities to life. However, stress is the body’s reaction to a change that requires a physical, mental, behavior, emotional adjustment or response.

If we continuous without relief can lead to a condition called distress-suffering caused by pain, grief, anxiety, etc. If can affect our physical and mental ability.

Sometimes, I consider stress as driving force. Although, I can’t act quickly since I fell that I am missing out and I’ll find hard to solve simple tasks as well as being absence minded. Most of the time, I lose my temper, frustrated, worry too much about small things, and yell at others for no reason. Furthermore, I easily become stressful person when my workload is increasing at school and conflict between friends and teachers. Besides, too much stress that I’d experience was my first semester in college.

It is wise to be conscious of stress and learn to minimize and cope with it. My friends and families have many advises on how to manage the stress like praying, go to bed on time, make friends with Godly people, laugh more, sit on your ego, get enough exercises and many more.

In conclusion, we should learn on how our bodies respond to the demands especially when stress becomes prolonged which cause bad stress. Knowing the symptoms of distress and by responding on it can make a quality in our life and our survival of the body’s reaction.

                                                                                                                               By: Ga-as, Benes M. 

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Your Always be My Papa

                    Innocence smile, warm embrace, caring touch, tender love like a blooming rose in the winter, that how impossible it is for me to see and feel them again. It seems like hopeless night for another one. Another dawn.

                   I'm longing for my father's voice. I miss calling "Papa". I miss his oft-repeated advice when his drunk, "Ging, paningkamot intawn na makahuman  ka. Wala man koy katigayunan na ikabilin nimo, maong kini ra akong mahatag ngadto sa imo." All his ever dream for me was to be a successful person in the future.

                   How I wish he's here. Comfort me whenever I have a problem and make me laugh in his corny jokes. In that way, it made me feel better and let me forget my problem for a while.I miss all about him. I miss my Papa. How I'd love to see my father again.

                   If ever I could wish for one thing, I'll wish that God would send back my Papa. I know it can't be, yet I have nothing to do but to accept God's plan. Whatever happens, no one could replace him who shaped me for who I am today for 16 years that we've been together. For  this, I cannot be thankful enough.

                  My father is my inspiration now in achieving my dreams. I will keep him in my heart forever and he will always be my "Papa".

by: Jonalou Neiz