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Saturday, December 29, 2012

Letting Go

 There are times in our lives when we have to say goodbye to people whom we have to say goodbye to people whom we have loved much. We can't deny the fact that it hurts . As the lyrics from the song goes, "Saying goodbye is never an easy thing",when you had made them frustrated or depressed .
  It's hard to live with regrets. I had gone through this situation. I hadn't told my beloved grandmother or even let her feel that she was so important to me. It was too late already to patch things up. I couldn't bring back the time anymore . All I had were the assurance that she's one of the best persons that I've known.
 With this experience , don't let the day pass without saying "I love You" to the person you love. It's useless to utter these words if he/she could never hear or feel this anymore. 

                                                                                        by: Shinalyn D. Cloribel