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Saturday, January 5, 2013

Facing the Future

                    What career will I choose?Where will I live? What will happen after I die? These are the questions people usually asked.
                    Each one of us used to think about the future, yet it is still uncertain. Nobody knows who and where we we will be ten years from now except God. It is not just the major decisions and choices in our lives that affect our future, but oftentimes it is a whole series of making small choices that we make daily that will determine what our future will be like.
                    Circumstances and trials are the spices of our lives which contribute a greater impact to our personalities. It made us even more firm and more capable of overcoming such odds  that may come into our lives. Self-oriented and goal-oriented persons focused most on their studies as well as their families which serve as their inspiration why they are striving hard.
                   In life, there are certain things that we can't resist to happen. These are the things that require full acceptance paired with a strong perseverance. Death, criticisms, judgments, and rejections, these are the few things that we couldn't stop to happen. As the saying goes, "You cannot please everyone", is indeed true, the fact that the more you try to please others and yourself the more failures you will have. But if we trust God, one thing can be assured of and that is the certainty of our future as what God said on Jeremiah 29:11 "For I know the plans I have for you, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future". Moreover, if we follow Him and His teachings God promised that He will be with us at the very end of our age.

 by: Mary Grace J. Fajardo

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