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Saturday, January 5, 2013

Facing the Future

                    What career will I choose?Where will I live? What will happen after I die? These are the questions people usually asked.
                    Each one of us used to think about the future, yet it is still uncertain. Nobody knows who and where we we will be ten years from now except God. It is not just the major decisions and choices in our lives that affect our future, but oftentimes it is a whole series of making small choices that we make daily that will determine what our future will be like.
                    Circumstances and trials are the spices of our lives which contribute a greater impact to our personalities. It made us even more firm and more capable of overcoming such odds  that may come into our lives. Self-oriented and goal-oriented persons focused most on their studies as well as their families which serve as their inspiration why they are striving hard.
                   In life, there are certain things that we can't resist to happen. These are the things that require full acceptance paired with a strong perseverance. Death, criticisms, judgments, and rejections, these are the few things that we couldn't stop to happen. As the saying goes, "You cannot please everyone", is indeed true, the fact that the more you try to please others and yourself the more failures you will have. But if we trust God, one thing can be assured of and that is the certainty of our future as what God said on Jeremiah 29:11 "For I know the plans I have for you, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future". Moreover, if we follow Him and His teachings God promised that He will be with us at the very end of our age.

 by: Mary Grace J. Fajardo

Saturday, December 29, 2012

Letting Go

 There are times in our lives when we have to say goodbye to people whom we have to say goodbye to people whom we have loved much. We can't deny the fact that it hurts . As the lyrics from the song goes, "Saying goodbye is never an easy thing",when you had made them frustrated or depressed .
  It's hard to live with regrets. I had gone through this situation. I hadn't told my beloved grandmother or even let her feel that she was so important to me. It was too late already to patch things up. I couldn't bring back the time anymore . All I had were the assurance that she's one of the best persons that I've known.
 With this experience , don't let the day pass without saying "I love You" to the person you love. It's useless to utter these words if he/she could never hear or feel this anymore. 

                                                                                        by: Shinalyn D. Cloribel 

Thursday, December 13, 2012


Stress is unavoidable. It makes our life interesting which adds flavor, challenge, motivation, and opportunities to life. However, stress is the body’s reaction to a change that requires a physical, mental, behavior, emotional adjustment or response.

If we continuous without relief can lead to a condition called distress-suffering caused by pain, grief, anxiety, etc. If can affect our physical and mental ability.

Sometimes, I consider stress as driving force. Although, I can’t act quickly since I fell that I am missing out and I’ll find hard to solve simple tasks as well as being absence minded. Most of the time, I lose my temper, frustrated, worry too much about small things, and yell at others for no reason. Furthermore, I easily become stressful person when my workload is increasing at school and conflict between friends and teachers. Besides, too much stress that I’d experience was my first semester in college.

It is wise to be conscious of stress and learn to minimize and cope with it. My friends and families have many advises on how to manage the stress like praying, go to bed on time, make friends with Godly people, laugh more, sit on your ego, get enough exercises and many more.

In conclusion, we should learn on how our bodies respond to the demands especially when stress becomes prolonged which cause bad stress. Knowing the symptoms of distress and by responding on it can make a quality in our life and our survival of the body’s reaction.

                                                                                                                               By: Ga-as, Benes M. 

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Your Always be My Papa

                    Innocence smile, warm embrace, caring touch, tender love like a blooming rose in the winter, that how impossible it is for me to see and feel them again. It seems like hopeless night for another one. Another dawn.

                   I'm longing for my father's voice. I miss calling "Papa". I miss his oft-repeated advice when his drunk, "Ging, paningkamot intawn na makahuman  ka. Wala man koy katigayunan na ikabilin nimo, maong kini ra akong mahatag ngadto sa imo." All his ever dream for me was to be a successful person in the future.

                   How I wish he's here. Comfort me whenever I have a problem and make me laugh in his corny jokes. In that way, it made me feel better and let me forget my problem for a while.I miss all about him. I miss my Papa. How I'd love to see my father again.

                   If ever I could wish for one thing, I'll wish that God would send back my Papa. I know it can't be, yet I have nothing to do but to accept God's plan. Whatever happens, no one could replace him who shaped me for who I am today for 16 years that we've been together. For  this, I cannot be thankful enough.

                  My father is my inspiration now in achieving my dreams. I will keep him in my heart forever and he will always be my "Papa".

by: Jonalou Neiz

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Developing of One's Capability

                   Acquiring reflective articles for a certain subject like English is very strange since we are not used to it even during our high school days. Composing such things takes a lot of time, effort and a need for multiple vocabulary, basically because it must be written in English. Supposing that it sounds intricate still I find this work challenging.

                    As a student, a freshman to be exact, the different classroom experience I'd encounter together with my lovable classmates taught me of not just the concept of English learning but also about the values and virtues towards more suitable understanding of the aspects of life.Moreover, we must learn to evaluate our ideas and experiences to help engrave discipline and knowledge not just for ourselves, but also for our colleagues as well. 

By: Shinalyn D. Cloribel

Saturday, November 24, 2012

The Epitome of Mylife

                     In every life, there are different feelings,attitudes and beliefs and they are commonly defined in an idioms, sayings, quotations and specially proverbs. Others, as human are devoted in different beliefs and I am one of them.
                     As I heard those speeches delivered by my classmates, I realized that despite of all the obstacles that you have been through, you must never say die, rather you should keep on trying. I have gone from that experience, because of a family problem.I attempt to got suicide but God doesn't permit me cause he want me to realize that trying to cut a life is not a good way to escape from the difficulties you've feel since you making it worst. Instead of saying die why we can't just face it and try to get rid of it.But just what saying goes success is a twin of difficulties.You can't feel what success is if you don't feel hard to reach it.Yes, everybody feels to became a great looser and it is a main reason for us to won a play.It's not whether you win or loss it or how you play the the game.Because winning is useless if you attain it and win it by cheating or a fraud cause you will not sense the true meaning of success but even if you are a looser and you've try your all your best and do what is right  still you won the more than a price. Still search for your destiny but remember that destiny is not a matter of chance but a matter of choice because we  are the one to be blame on what is happening in our life, why we are lucky or not,we've got a lot of chances and it depends through our choice.

                   I do believe also that a journey of a thousand miles begins with a one step. Yes! that's right you've achieve everything , someone became professional and came under.But you can't achieve something without the help of others because no man is an island, we can't be what we are today without the help of our friends,family and somebody.We can't stand alone on our own even,we've got almost the world but without the presence of others we can do nothing.Let's continue our life.You and I will search for our destiny,face all the trials and enjoy all our happiness and live life to the fullest.

BY:Mary Grace J. Fajardo

Friday, November 23, 2012

What Is Better?
Love is really powerful like knowledge and wealth human have. It gives an unexplainable feeling and fades lonely hearts when you felt it.

We are now in a right age that we cannot avoid the call of love and it cannot deny that some of us now are in a relationship. We all know that it is normal to human but is it really right to have this while we are studying? 

For instance, when we are in relationship, instead of reading our books and studying our notes is we are now busy chatting, texting, dating, and enjoying each other’s company, as result, if you go to school tomorrow you will be nervous if you cannot answer your teacher’s question and it will put into shame. So, does it help?
Having a boyfriend or girlfriend while we are studying is not good. It will affect your studies by thinking or spending much time with him or her. Another is when you have quarrels that will cause to break-ups and will result to heartache; it may affect your focus on studies. Let us think first our studies. It is too early and in fact, there are a lot of person in this world. Let us think that our parents depends on us that someday we will finish our studies.
I cannot deny that at my age now, I have also this feeling but I don’t mind it. Like my mother of the repeated advice said, ”Asa ragud na’g makahuman”. But if even we fall in love, let us give it the freedoms just avoid some temptation. When you feel it, think also to give time for studies. I know love waits and it has own designated time and place. Don’t be rush in engaging such thing.
It is not wrong to be in a relationship while we are studying. Just marks in your mind that it will only serves as an inspiration and let us not forget that we have limitation in all things. What matters most is you know how to handle it and manage your time. It’s not about doing such thing but it’s all about your choice.